Exhaust Filters


PPA Filter

PPA_Roll_Pads_thumbA multi-layered polyester media, which is a cost effective alternative to fiberglass. Available in pads, blankets, and bags.

Applications include:
Automotive and Industrial high solid paints, water bornes, and sticky coatings.

PAG Filter

CPA_Roll_Pads_thumbA multi-layered polyester media - a cost effective alternative to fiberglass. Available in pads, blankets, and bags.

Applications include:
Automotive and Industrial high solid paints, water bornes, and sticky coatings.

CPA Gold filter

CPA_GoldRoll_Pads_thumbPaint overspray media composed of multi-layered, graduated density polyester.
1.45 oz. per square foot. Available in pads and rolls.

Applications include:
Aerospace 1st stage filter, Industrial high solid paint, water-borne coating, oil mist, stain, and high solids.

Wave Media filter

Wave_Roll_Pads_thumbPaint overspray media composed of convoluted, multi-layered, graduated density polyester. Available in pads, blankets, and rolls.

Applications include:
Aerospace 1st stage filter, Industrial high solid paint, water-borne coating, oil mist, stain, and high solids.

Fiberglass filter

FiberglassProducts_thumbStandard fiberglass exhaust filter. Offered in 15 gram (2.5"), 17 gram (2.5"), 22 gram (2.5"), and 32 gram (4")  - all with a polyester backing.

Applications include:
Automotive and Industrial inexpensive exhaust filtration for all finishes.

Scrim Bags

ScrimBag_wHeader_thumbA scrim-backed polyester available as a bag, draw-string, and multiple pocket configurations in various sizes and styles. These filters are engineered with high efficiency and dust-holding capacities for a long service life.

Applications include:
Automotive and Industrial inexpensive exhaust filtration for all finishes.

Paper Mesh filter

PaperPaintArrestor_thumbExpanded paper mesh exhaust filtration products. Offered in multiple layers and with a polyester backing. Available in pads, blankets, and rolls.

Applications include:
Automotive and Industrial inexpensive exhaust filtration for all finishes

Andreae filter

AndreaeFilter_A_thumb2 layers of heavy kraft paper punched, pleated and glued together in an accordion style. Available size is 36"x30' and packaged 2 per bundle.

Applications Include:
Automotive and Industrial inexpensive exhaust filtration for all finishes

CPA filter

CPA_Roll_Pads_thumbPaint overspray media composed of multi-layered, graduated density polyester.
1.2 oz. per square foot. Available in pads, blankets, rolls, panels and bags.

Applications include:
Aerospace 1st stage filter, Industrial high solid paint, water-borne coating, oil mist, stain, and high solids.

ME/PT Panel filter

Panel_Link_2_thumbThe ME Air Filtration Series is manufactured with multi-layered polyester with a dense front and tackified air-exiting layer, an internal metal frame and tackifier. A multi-use, tackified media. Available in panels, links, and bags.

Applications include:
Aerospace 2nd stage filter, Industrial powder paint, overspray collection, and HVAC particulate problems

CG100 Bag

CG_100_2PocketBag_thumbA three-stage polyester bag filter designed as a secondary system for paint overspray collection. The CG100 is designed with an extremely high efficiency and paint holding capacity and low resistance to airflow.

Applications include:
Aerospace optional 2nd stage filter, Industrial high solid paint overspray, water-borne coatings, and oil mist.

XFP 6000 Bag

XFP_Bag_thumbA three-stage paint overspray system specifically designed for the collection of aerospace chromate coating overspray. Can also be easily adapted to older, two-stage paint finishing lines.

Applications include:
Aerospace 3rd stage filter, Industrial high solid paint overspray, water-borne coatings, and oil mist.

HEPA-XFP™ filterimage-coming-soon

A three-stage paint overspray system exclusively designed to achieve HEPA filtration levels with aerospace chromate coating overspray.  Decreases all upgrade or construction costs associated with HEPA required paint booths.

Applications include: aerospace 3rd stage filter.


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